Title 5 - Recording Proceedings in Court of Limited Jurisdiction


(a) Generally. The proceedings in a court of limited jurisdiction shall be recorded by electronic means, unless the parties agree that some other form of record shall be prepared at the parties' own expense or that no record of the proceedings is necessary. This title applies to proceedings which are to be recorded by electronic means.

(b) Nonelectronic Record in Emergency. In the event of an equipment failure or other situation making an electronic recording impossible, the court may order the proceeding to be recorded by nonelectronic means. The nonelectronic record must be made at the court's expense, and in the event of an appeal, any necessary transcription of the nonelectronic record must be made at the court's expense.

[Originally effective January 1, 1981.]


(a) Generally. At the beginning of the case, the judge of the court of limited jurisdiction shall state on the record the name and number of the case and the names of the attorneys for the parties who are represented by counsel. During the trial of the case, the judge shall state on the record or have stated on the record the names of any or all witnesses as they appear in the course of the proceeding.

(b) Decision, Findings, Conclusions. In all actions tried upon the facts without a jury or with an advisory jury the court shall state separately its findings of fact and conclusions of law. Judgment shall be entered pursuant to CRLJ 58 or CrRLJ 7.3 and may be entered at the same time as the entry of the findings of fact and the conclusions of law. If a written opinion or memorandum of decision is filed, it will be sufficient if formal findings of fact and conclusions of law are included.


The judge of the court of limited jurisdiction shall cause a written log to be maintained separate from the recording indicating the location on the electronic record of relevant events in the proceedings, including but not limited to the beginning of the proceeding, the beginning and ending of the testimony of each witness, the decision of the court, and the end of the proceeding. The judicial officer shall assure that all case participants identify themselves for the record.

[Originally effective January 1, 1981; amended effective September 1, 2015.]


In the event of loss or damage of the electronic record, or any significant or material portion thereof, the appellant, upon motion to the superior court, shall be entitled to a new trial, but only if the loss or damage of the record is not attributable to the appellant's malfeasance. In lieu of a new trial, the parties may stipulate to a nonelectronic record as provided in rule 6.1(b). The court of limited jurisdiction shall have the authority to determine whether or not significant or material portions of the electronic record have been lost or damaged, subject to review by the superior court upon motion.