A Resounding Victory in a Challenging Self-Defense Case

We are proud to announce another major victory at our firm, showcasing our unwavering commitment to justice and our prowess in defending high-stakes self-defense cases. This complex case not only involved criminal charges but also a civil lawsuit, both of which were resolved favorably for our client, underscoring the effectiveness of our strategic defense approaches.

Overview of the Facts

The incident at the heart of this case involved our client, a devoted family man and respected business owner, who faced unprecedented threats on his own property. An individual repeatedly trespassed onto our client’s premises, blatantly ignoring multiple warnings and a formal trespass notice. The situation escalated when the trespasser menacingly used his vehicle to intimidate our client and his wife. The culmination of these events forced our client to take decisive action to protect himself and his loved one.

Criminal Allegations and Civil Lawsuit

Following the confrontation, our client was regrettably faced with severe criminal charges, accused of using a shotgun against the trespasser. Alongside these grave accusations, the trespasser initiated a civil suit against our client, compounding the legal challenges and potential ramifications.

Defense Strategy and Legal Proceedings

Recognizing the gravity of the accusations, our team launched an intensive defense campaign. We conducted thorough discovery, engaging in comprehensive witness interviews and detailed depositions that unearthed critical insights into the events. Our legal strategy was bolstered by enlisting expert witnesses in use of force, whose testimonies provided crucial context to our client’s actions, framed within the realm of self-defense.

In a pivotal move, we utilized advanced video animation technology to create a 3D reconstruction of the incident. This state-of-the-art visualization provided an unequivocal depiction of the sequence of events, clarifying our client’s defensive posture in response to the real and immediate threats he faced.

Decisive Cross-Examination and Case Dismissal

The turning point in the case was achieved through the masterful cross-examination led by our lead attorney, Angus Lee. His strategic interrogation exposed critical inconsistencies in the accuser’s claims, effectively dismantling the prosecution’s case. This not only fortified our defense but significantly altered the course of the proceedings.

Confronted with the overwhelming evidence and the persuasive defense presented, the prosecution decided to dismiss all criminal charges against our client. Subsequently, the civil action was also withdrawn. Notably, the resolution included a notarized apology from the accuser, acknowledging the baseless nature of the accusations and regretting the distress caused to our client and his family.


This case highlights the critical importance of a vigorous and meticulously planned defense strategy in self-defense scenarios, especially when the stakes involve severe criminal allegations and civil claims. At our firm, we remain committed to ensuring that justice is served, leveraging every available resource to defend our clients’ rights vigorously. This victory not only vindicates our client but also reinforces our dedication to upholding the principles of justice through legal excellence.

Looking Forward

We continue to leverage our expertise in self-defense cases to assist others who may find themselves unjustly accused of similar complex crimes. If you or someone you know is facing charges, contact the Angus Lee Law Firm for a consultation to discuss how we can offer you the same level of formidable legal defense.

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